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Across the United States, counties collect taxes on property. The property tax records show characteristics about the property and assessed tax values. Typically, the property tax records show ownership history along with amenities of the property.
Individuals and companies use PropertyProof to find current homeowners of a property, determine the assessed value, estimate the amount of equity for a homeowner, and view the property details. Some of our sophisticated users access the PropertyProof API to use the data in unique ways.
To view property data, you will sign-up today for a free 3 day trial. At the end of the three days, you will be billed $49.99 monthly for access to PropertyProof. You may cancel at anytime and if you have any questions, please email %{email}.
Yes, we do offer trials. Sign-up today and get full access to properties across the USA.
Michelle Bush and her team of analysts, designers, and developers operate the company out of Houston, Texas. %{about_us_link}.
We do have a mobile view that works well on iOS and Google devices. You do not have to download anything to your device.
Yes, our standard subscription comes with an Owner API and we have other APIs tailored to your specific needs for banking and insurance workflows. Contact us to learn more.